Not About Cats

Here I was, truly minding my own business, looking for kitty food for our two new barn cats, Mavis and Mark Spitz a/k/a Hillary and Bernie, when I see out of the corner of my eye, a woman dragging her English Bulldog across the floor (he was literally being slid across the vinyl floor at the end of his leash) towards the grooming area in the local box pet supply.  UGH!!  I said, “don’t drag your dog!”  No response.  Sigh.  So, for those of you who are listening:

There is no reason for you to drag your dog any place.  You know your dog may need where he/she could or already has developed a negative opinion towards such as the vet’s office or yes, the groomer.  So, be proactive, take your dog to those places (best when a puppy) when there is nothing to be done – a happy visit with treats and pets and leave. Do that a bunch of times and then I don’t think you will need to drag your dog!!

And, it is possible that with the right approach you will not need to take your dog to a groomer.  How is that?  Well, particularly with a short haired breed, you can easily bathe and brush at home.  Nails?  Start by just presenting clippers to your dog while feeding treats – clippers go away so do treats.  Work up through touching the clippers and eventually clipping the end of a nail.  By pairing with very yummy treats and being calm – not rushing – you should be able to have a dog that might even fall asleep (which my dog Chester does when I dremel his nails!)  Before you embark on this however, get a lesson on nail clipping from an expert.

And promise yourself and your dog, that you will never drag him anywhere!!
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