Hyper or Pent Up?!

I just finished reading an article in the September 2017 Whole Dog Journal entitled “Keep” Calm? First You Need to Get Him Calm! by my mentor and teacher Pat Miller, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA.  In this article, Pat clearly spells out what we as dog owners need to accomplish in order to reach the goal of a relaxed and calm canine.  While my two senior citizens rarely display prolonged frenzied activity – even they if bereft for a long period of some real exercise or mental stimulation can exhibit the crazies.  And, I speak to so many who bemoan the fact that their dogs jump, nip, grab, race, destroy . . . well the list goes on and on.  But upon query, the case sadly is that the dogs are woefully lacking in exercise, quality time with their humans or other canines and/or any semblance of training of self control skills.

So make this fall – a season of renewal – a pledge tor read Pat’s article and implement some or all of her wonderful advice!  I’m here to help if you need it.
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